- その色・この色 展 -
- Those Colors, These Colors -
6th Dec (Fri) – 14th Dec (Sat)
10am – 7pm (Close Sun)
※ Open to 9pm on 6th Dec (Fri)

色の持つ印象を大切にしながら、巧みにそして自在 に表現していった画家たち。今回の展示では様々な 試行の末に独自の色彩を手にしていった画家たち の、独創的で美しい作品の数々を展示いたします。
Even as they pay respect to the impressions inherent to individual colors, painters have long made free and innovative use of color as a tool for expression. In this exhibition, we will showcase several creative and beautiful works by painters who, after much trial and error, arrived at unique colors of their own.